Intrastat-SK presents a system for record keeping and statistics of trade exchange between the Member States
of the European Union. This system applies to all movable property including electricity, gas, and water and
it is used for trade statistics between the EU Member States. This statistical obligation applies to all
juridical and natural persons registered for VAT in Slovakia, who, in the pursued period, sent or
received EU goods in a total value excessing the exemption threshold.
Exemption threshold for the current year 2014 is stipulated: For the acceptance in amount of € 200,000
and for send € 400,000. Reports Intrastat-SK submitted every month. Juridical and natural persons, who are
not required to submit VAT declaration shall be exempt from the obligation to provide information within
Slovak statistics office evaluates available data from INTRASTAT-SK reports and tax returns. In case of
finding out that an unregistered reporting unit (natural or juridical person) has an reporting obligation,
the statistical office will notify this unit of the non-performance report activity. The office notifies
the possible extinction of reporting obligation as well, and provides the beginning of (a particular calendar
month) reporting obligation according to the exceeding exemption threshold.
Do you know that reports for INTRASTAT-SK can be submitted by your representative instead of you? Forget
your worries and rely on our experiences! We will advise, we will fill in the reports on time, and send
it for you.
Download form about
authorization of representative for submission of Intrastat reports.
The advantage of processing and submitting INTRASTAT-SK reports by us is saving your time as well as also
specialized staff, finances, staff training, monitoring of legislative changes, and other costs.